Taking Executives & Entrepreneurs From Out of Shape, to Strong, Lean & Healthy WITHOUT the Fad diets...
Step into a results driven environment with your success at the forefront of every element of your programme. Leave the comfort zone behind and enjoy exclusive support throughout your transformation journey tailored to your personal goals. Provided you're prepared to give 100% and apply the advice given, you'll discover how to eliminate body fat while balancing a busy work schedule.
Proven methods to get you the results you deserve...
The sea of information out there on diet and exercise can be OVERWHELMING and make it near impossible to figure out where to begin. What type of training is best? How often? Light or heavy weight? Is keto the best diet? Low carb? Low fat? Vegan?
It's FRUSTRATING being unable to fully appreciate who you see when you look in the mirror, especially when you know you would be in better shape if you just had the right GUIDANCE.
The thought of your health being exactly the same as it is right now or WORSE in the coming years makes you a little nervous. You're at a point where you recognise if you don't start respecting your body now, when will you?

Nothing is left to chance when it comes to helping you perform at your best...
Nothing is left to chance when it comes to helping you perform at your best...

Maximise Your Time & Train With Efficiency
You can build a great body in as little as 3 hours a week. I'll show you how to select the right exercises at the right intensity to accelerate your progress. It's common for clients to end up the strongest they've EVER been after training with me.
Optimise Your Nutrition & Supercharge Your Energy
It doesn't have to be complicated. There's a sweet science you'll learn how to apply in a way that allows you the flexibility to include a variety of foods you enjoy. Don't worry, you can eat way more than just chicken and broccoli.
Track Your Progress & Be Held Accountable
We'll be tracking key performance indicators and measurements throughout your fitness journey. I'll be in your corner from start to finish helping you stay focussed and creating a winning environment for you to achieve optimal results.

Leon James-Lionel
Hi, I'm LEON & I help busy executives & entrepreneurs who are READY to take control of their health, drop body fat, supercharge their energy and explode their productivity.
I excel at helping you figure out EXACTLY how to bridge the gap between where you are stuck right now and where you need to be.
Once I assess your circumstances and uncover the best strategy for you to achieve your health & fitness goals... it's go time. We'll outline a SIMPLE blueprint tailored to your needs so you can experience REAL TRANSFORMATION as fast as possible.
BSc Sports Science, SQ1™ Certified Pro, FRC Mobility Specialist, BTN Certified Nutrition Coach
I'm the FIRST Coach in the UK to implement a brain-based approach to movement using the Square 1™ System. Combining this unique system with specific targeted exercises allows me to improve athleticism for my clients faster than most would have you believe is possible.
Whatever you think is stopping you from claiming your ideal body, it's likely I've seen it and can help you overcome it.
You'll learn the PROVEN techniques needed to regain control of your health FOR LIFE and receive the coaching, support and accountability you need to do so.

The approach to your program is based on scientific research and my personal experience working over 10 years in the gym with a variety of clients.
I'm only interested in showing you what works and produces consistent results. No fads, No BS, just a simplified breakdown of how to achieve your end goal.
We'll ensure your bespoke plan respects your work and personal life balance and evolve your program as you make progress.
You'll learn everything you need to be successful. You just have to be willing to push yourself... Much of the time this will be outside of your comfort zone.
If you show up 100% committed and follow my suggestions, you'll be on your way to a revitalised body, new confidence and optimal health in record time.